General Information
- Volunteering is fun and easy.
- Free parking, breaks and meals will be provided.
- Volunteering at a casino is as safe as possible. Upon request, you can be walked to your car by security.
- Training and support will be provided by a casino advisor.
- Bring photo ID with you to the Casino.
- Casino control system is computerized. If you use an ATM banking machine or Interac, you will feel comfortable with the computer system and the equipment.
- Upon arrival, report to security. They will steer you to the Advisor or General Manager. Each volunteer will be signed in and provided with a nametag to wear.
- Minimum age to volunteer is 18.
- Volunteers are not allowed to play any casino games, VLT or slot machines at any casino on either day of our casino event, before or after their shift, whether or not they are working a shift.
- Volunteers cannot consume liquor or be under the influence of alcohol or illicit substances before or during the shift (AGLC CTCOG 3.2.16).
- Casinos have a fragrance-free policy. No perfumes, colognes, fragrances or scents.
- Casinos are smoke-free environments.
- Volunteers are to dress in casual business wear – no shorts, jeans, t-shirts, leggings, athletic wear or revealing clothing.
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