The 12 days of HPCL
The 12 days of HPCL will be posted every other day for the duration of December – try them out when you get a chance.
Share photos with us either by posting them on Facebook and tag it #12daysofHPCL or email photos to
On the 12th day of HPCL, the League shared with us the idea to play air guitar or have a lip-sync battle around the house or to go and take a walk and carol/hum/sing while you are out.
On the 11th day of HPCL, the League shared with us Movie Workouts to get us in the holiday spirit while getting active. Try out one or all of the following workouts some time this month – click the links below. Note: be active to your level of comfort
On the 10th day of HPCL, the League shared the idea of having a backwards day. Consider starting your day with dessert then have supper/dinner in the morning and following by a movie night in the morning and end your day with breakfast!
On the 9th day of HPCL, we invite you to join us in Community Giving to support local charities. HPCL are grateful to be part of a community where so many have donated their time to support our programs and events. Throughout this year, we held a number of donation drives and we are thankful for your community support. We ask that you consider supporting local charities that are close to your heart this season as it has been a tough year for most non-profit organizations. Let’s finish off this year by continuing to support others. Donations can be monetary or in-kind.
To name just a few local charities that would appreciate monetary support – Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation, Edmonton Humane Society, Kids Kottage Foundation, Zebra Child Protection Centre, WIN house, Santa’s Anonymous, Edmonton Food Bank, United Way Alberta Capitol Region, Wings of Providence, Christmas Bureau, Little Warriors and many more within Edmonton. Please donate directly to the organization.
HPCL would like to acknowledge the generosity of our community. If you can take a minute to fill out our voluntary, anonymous FORM about your donation by Dec. 22 (including any monthly donations) and we will provide a summary of the donations by all of you in our community on Dec. 23 (the Final Day of HPCL).
For in-kind donations, please check with the charity to see if they are currently accepting donation items. Here is a challenge – can you see if each person in your household can find 25 items that they can donate (clothing, toys, books, small kitchen appliances, etc.)?
HPCL is supporting the AMA food drive and competing against other communities to see how much we, as a community, can collect. We have four drop-off locations within our community (3 in Rutherford and 1 in MacEwan) where donation boxes are located on driveways. See attached map below for locations. When you are grocery shopping, grab an extra can of beans, fish, meat, fruit or vegetable, peanut butter, soup, granola bars, baby formula, pasta or pasta sauce.
Collections will be accepted until Friday Dec. 12th. Help us continue to support Edmonton’s Food Bank during this time of need.
On the 8th day of HPCL, we provide instructions to make homemade cottage cheese and cottage cheese cookies.
On the 7th day of HPCL, the League shared with us the instructions to make origami stars (see link below). Try to find another new origami project to try.
On the 6th day of HPCL, the League suggested to us to try a new brunch recipe. See the two egg recipes below or search out a new one yourself.
On the 5th day of HPCL, the League suggested the idea to have a dance battle or pyjama dance party and/or hold a picnic or slumber party under the tree.
On the 4th day of HPCL, the League shared with us the instructions to make bird seed ornaments.
On the 3rd day of HPCL, we invite you to join our snowman building flash mob outside the retirement residences in Rutherford (949 Rutherford Rd. SW or 944 James Mowatt Trail SW) any time on Sat. Dec. 19th and Sun. Dec. 20th. Let’s bring some holiday cheers to our community! Please maintain social distance and follow all health protocols in effect.
On the 2nd day of HPCL, we invite you to check out the HPCL holiday light tour. Check HERE for the map.
On the 1st day of HPCL, we are giving away some sweet treats to you. HPCL would like to celebrate the holidays with you. Due to current restrictions, we are not able to have people gather to pick up/drive thru/walk thru to hand out treats. As an alternative, we will be delivering treats to your front porch on Dec. 23 between 7:30-8:30 pm (contactless drop off).
We remind everyone to stay safe and to follow all health protocols and restrictions in effect.