Learn more and register here.
Our instructor is Krysta Forrest – a fitness coach with a passion for active living who believes in improving fitness to improve overall quality of life. Krysta holds a Bachelor of Physical Education (U o fA) and numerous fitness certifications and credentials.
Classes are for adults (18 years+) and all fitness levels.
Mondays – 7-8 PM Rutherford Park – 6 classes $60
Cardio Core
- interval based
- develop stamina, endurance
- learn to run or push to the next level
Thursdays – 7-8 PM Rutherford Park – 6 classes $60
Stretch and Strength
- improve posture, flexibility and muscle tone
- become confident with various strength techniques
Saturdays – 8-9 AM MacEwan Park – 6 classes $60
“All in” 60 minutes
- Fun, varied and effective total body workout
We have a minimum required of 10 people per session, so sign up soon and get fit with us this Spring!
Contact Tina if you have questions – vicepresident@heritagepointCL.ca